Saturday, June 5, 2010


The other day I was talking to some of my guys friends about paint balling. One said that we should go this summer. I protested saying that it gets hot during the winter let alone summer. then he said to just go shirtless.

Then he remembered I was a girl.

Today my best friend admitted to me that sometimes he forgets that I'm a girl. I love being one of the bros. I love kicking back and not worrying about if how I'm behaving would attract guys or not. But those words started to sting. I realize how bad my masculinity has gotten. I used to dress cutely, giggle, bat my eyes, and flirt. I used to care about my appearance, get excited over dumb romantic ideas, and sigh over my daydreams. Now, well, let's just say that I have a very strong argument on how most guys are more hygienic than I am.

But I guess that's what happens when the only people one hung out with the start summer is Joe, Dong, Alex, and Sunny.

I love my guys friends to death. I really do. I've never felt so honored in my life when they officially initiated me as a bro. But I really miss my girlfriends terribly. I miss being girly. I miss feeling like a girl. It's just another example in my crazy hybrid of a life how important balance is to me.

1 comment:

  1. haha---you're girly to me christine♥

    i'm same all the way---when i hang out with my guys

    then..i'm just a sweaty bundle of plastered hair and wet t-shirt stains who WILL get tackled-----i love being a guy♥
