Monday, April 27, 2009

Tables, Corners, Anywhere Hidden

I have to say that I respect my mom more than anyone else at the moment. I've always had. Any other American-raised woman would've left, split, skedaddled, given up on the seemingly hopeless case I call Dad. But she didn't. She made her choice to love and commit to my father and she did. When I was young, there were a lot of fights. Scary ones. My mom never yells; my dad and I joke about how she doesn't have the lung capacity to even if she wanted to. But my dad yells. Loud. And fiercely. When he'd yell, I hid. Under tables, in corners, anywhere where I could escape from the fire. And I'd cry. I don't know why, probably because of some sort of fear, but I'd cry until it ended. It was even worse when he was angry at us. But whenever that happened my mom always came and threw herself in the way, redirecting the anger towards her.

For a while I thought they were going to get divorced. But they didn't. One thing about my father is that he is and will always be faithful to my mom. And my mom never takes the easy way. Over more than a decade of years my mom patiently stuck by my dad and worked with him. And over that time period, his temper was turned down many notches. That's not to say he got rid of it. I don't think he ever will. But the fights are rare and the extreme yelling pretty much dormant. Instead of slaying it, my mom tamed the dragon. She was our knight in shining armor.

I look at my parents relationship now and I see one I want to have when I get married. I don't want to marry a hard-headed goat per se, but I want a relationship full of good joyous times. But in between the good times I want conflict and fights, to prove that we aren't perfect, that we're merely human. And when those conflicts come up, I want to rise above them together. I want a relationship where we show the true meaning of love: that through the good and the bad we stay committed and we grow. I want my kids to look at us and see their knights in shining armor.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oh Brother Dear

Just recently my brother finally asked a girl to a dance. It will be his first date ever. 
He's 21 years old.

That's the kind of person he is. If he's not sure about something, he won't do it. He'll leave it there to either disappear or wait until he's ready to handle it. And he will wait a pretty long time. But still, this is a mark for him. I never thought I would even see the day.

I guess my parents are right. Perhaps I'm a little harsh on my brother. I don't really like him. I love him for sure, he's my brother. But if he wasn't my brother, I wouldn't like him at all. He's a short-tempered, persistent, self-centered, meddling, inconsiderate, aggressive, stubborn, arrogant and just-plain awkward little crab.

Now I'm being a little too harsh. Lately he's gotten better. A LOT better. And with all the bad qualities, he does have his good ones. He is the single most honest and trustworthy person I personally think ever existed. He has God in his heart and thus he wants to get better, hence the recent growth. And he really does care. Sure he'll throw his fits but he will never ever get violent. And even though we have to put up with the fits at first, later on, when he has blown his steam off and has calmed down, he'll realize he was wrong and apologize. He just needs to vent out his frustration first which is a hard trait to live with. So in all honesty, I was and still am very skeptical about whether or not he will ever marry. Not skeptical in him finding a girl to marry, but skeptical about a girl good enough to be able to see past his difficult side and care for him. I won't lie(something he inspired me to do), it's not easy living with my brother. I would know, I lived with him for 16 years. It's a challenge. But I do sincerely hope and pray that he does find a really good girl who is tough enough to deal with him and sweet enough to want to deal with him. He has his flaws but he makes up for them with his qualities. I hope someone other than my mom and me will be able to see that.